2005, April 30 – opening of the museum
2006, October – exhibition on the Interstone mineral show in Lodz and the award for the collection of striped flint
2006, November – exhibition and prize for the striped flint collection on the mineral show at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice
2006, December – exhibition and prize for striped flint collection at the mineral show in Katowice
2007, December – exhibition and prize for striped flint collection on AGH stock show in Krakow
2008, March – June – participation in the exhibition “Flint, coal and salt – hidden shapes” in the Żupy Solne Castle in Wieliczka
2008, April – the award of the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship for striped flint grinding atelier at Vojager 2008 in Kielce
2008/2009 – participation in the exhibition “Flint, coal, salt – hidden shapes” in the Museum of History and Archeology in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
2009, February – a film about our museum on TVP Polonia in the program “Treasures undiscovered”
2009, November – exhibition of quartz specimens at the mineral show in Kielce
2009/2010 – participation in the exhibition “Colors of rock interiors – mineral secretions” in the Krakow Salt Mine Castle in Wieliczka
2010, September – promotion of striped flint in TVN and TVN Meteo during the Jurassic Picnic in Bałtów
2010, December – exhibition of flint striped at the mineral and jewelery show in Hamburg.
2011, January – article in German Mineralien Welt 1/2011 praising the flint striped from our museum
2011, July – October – participation in quartz exhibition in Lwówek Śląski
2011, September-October – participation in the exhibitions “Striped Flint – Elements Turned into Stones” and “In the Hands of Striped Flint” during the 1st Passover Flint Festival in Sandomierz
2012,2013 – participation in the exhibition “40 – forty years of striped flint in jewelery” and other organized, i.a. abroad by Cezary Łutowicz, e.g. “Designed in Poland”
2017, September – participation in the exhibition “Known and less known in Kielce Land” prepared by the State Archives in Kielce